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customer Problem
Verizon needs to replace a legacy long-haul TDM network with a more cost-effective solution to Windstream and Frontier LEC networks in the United States. Initial scope is a FGD network replacement
How much capacity (in T1s or DS3) is needed in each OCN/LATA pair?
How many Fabric Onramps will be needed (how many connections into the Fabric)
  • This will often be a function of resiliency and geographic latency
  • How much aggregate SIP voice traffic will be traversing the fabric?
  • Is there a preference on Onramp transport method?
  • What size (in Mbps) of transport is preferred (10 calls per Mbps is recommended?
  • Can we get Verizon addresses for the A-location for the Fabric  Onramps?
Will any TDM conversion need to happen inside Verizon, or can SIP be delivered and converted at the LEC Peering Tandem?
  • If yes, do you prefer managed TDM conversion inside a Verizon facility or Hosted at 46 Labs
Is Verizon open to leveraging the Peerage® Fabric to facilitate return traffic into Verizon from Windstream and/or Frontier?
Can we organize a roll-out by capacity size, ranked largest to smallest?
  • For instance, its much more efficient to replace markets like Dallas, Texas over Winchester, Kentucky because of synergies realized.
46 Labs can leverage a combination of Peeredge® Wholesale Voice, the Peeredge Fabric and Fabric Onramps to replace all long-haul TDM circuits to Windstream and Frontier networks. It is estimated that roughly 40 POIs to each Carrier will be necessary to replace the long-haul TDM network across 90 LATAs to both Windstream and Frontier. 46 Labs does not  charge for POIs but does charge for capacity by circuit replaced (T1 or DS3) into each carrier, organized by LATA. An example is as follows
Not all POIs are available currently, but it takes 46 Labs approximately 60 days to establish a POI in a new market. A rolling deployment can be scheduled between on-net and off-net POIs to minimize slowness in total market rollout. For instance, markets like Dallas, Chicago, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, etc. (on-net POIs) can be deployed while off-net POIs are brought online.
The solution would be managed and delivered turnkey to Verizon
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