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Managed Hosting
Latency Measured in Microseconds.
The fastest and most secure way to establish connectivity to The Fabric Network, Global Voice Services, and Protected Internet Services.
Optimized for Realtime Communications.
Bare metal infrastructure specifically designed for 46 Labs Orchestrators. No more hardware sizing requirements. IT Administrators pick the size of their Orchestrators and it's deployed to its dedicated location.
Natively Sustainable.
Powered by 90% renewable resources, for one of the worlds most efficient power to computer environments available.Three phase electricity powers racks and lowers transformation loses. Servers are dense quad-socket machines with solid state storage. Provisioning systems automatically balance customer loads across servers maximizing power utilization and lowering idle power usage.
Deploy it and forget it.
Monitored and supported by world-class 46 labs engineers 24/7, with native integration to the Fabric allows personnel to predict hardware failures and remediate issues before an outage occurs.
Full Fabric Integration.
Natively connected to The Fabric via redundant fiber inks per server lowers the TCO for deploying a complete 46 Labs solution. Connectivity services are delivered directly to Fabric Extenders running on Managed Hosting.
Maintain your core while computing at the edge.
Housed in the same Equinix facilities that power the PeerEdge® Fabric establishes a global Fabric-based edge network with microsecond connectivity to all 46 Labs services.
TEchnical details

Fabric Integration

Servers powering Managed Hosting are connected to The PeerEdge® Fabric using Juniper QFX-series switches. EVPN-VXLAN handles encrypted networking between the hosting environment and The Fabric. Technology adapted from PeerEdge® Data Orchestrators have been incorporated into the bare metal hypervisors that are responsible for managing workloads on the servers.

Network connectivity bypasses server kernels and is delivered to the containerised Orchestrators running inside Managed Hosting. This is the most secure architecture available anywhere today, as encryption happens at the application and is immune to kernel exploits.

Physical Servers

Managed Hosting is powered by quad-socket HPE hardened servers. Each server has redundant power supplies, processors and protected memory configurations, NVMe RAID and HA Networking. The bare metal hypervisors responsible for managing server workloads pin Orchestrators to individual sockets, preventing noisy neighbor issues, maximizing performance, and lowering processing latency. Quad-socket architectures are similar to having 4 independent servers inside the same physical chassis and are highly energy efficient.


Managed Hosting servers and Fabric integrations are housed inside the Equinix datacenter footprint. This ensures standards and compliance for PeerEdge® solutions globally. All racks are fed from diverse A/B plants, so power maintenance can be completed by datacenter operators without impacting production workloads.
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